Sunday, April 28, 2013

Until the Next Time

Dearest Readers,

Those of you who have read the earliest posts on this space know that this was originally a collaborative effort with one Gaseous Clay.  GC and I were college neighbors who later reconnected through work.  We have become close friends over this second round of meeting each other despite no longer working together.

GC has had many monumental changes to his routine since we started this blog, but perhaps I can get him to post a special guest appearance with updates.  The reason I bring up GC is I am about to go see him at his empty house.  You see Mr. Clay and his family are moving from N Texas to the hinterlands.  I have to go see my dear friend and say "until next time".

I am actually really excited for them.  This is a great opportunity and puts them closer to both of their families and they wanted a change like this for their kids, and that's great.  And yet I selfishly hate the idea of him not being nearby.  He was the person I called when I came home to a mostly empty apartment and a Dear BKoM letter from my now ex-wife.

Even when I was ridiculously at rock's bottom, he was there to talk to me and listen to me.  I was there when he found out Mrs.Clay was pregnant (fire trucks just pulled into my apartment complex...things may get dicey, hang on.  Ok, its cool).  I just hate the idea of this for my own selfish reasons.  I won't say good-bye.  I can't say that to him.  He and his family have become too dear to me for those words to be uttered.

So I have to go tell him "Until next time, Mr.Clay."

As always,
Your humblest of servants,
The Burrito King of Montreal

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