Saturday, January 14, 2012


When GC and I started this blog several years ago, it was with the best of intents.  We would go to restaurants at lunch during the week and post opinions on them.  Having jobs that required frequent travel we could also post on places where we ate around the country.  Well, that didn't quite work out the way we wanted.  GC moved into a new house, left the company we worked for and he and his wife had a baby boy last year.  The timing just never worked out, so I will now accept the baton and carry this mutha on as I should have done more than a year ago.

Since last I wrote, I've flown over 250,000 miles and stayed in more hotels than I can remember.  Sooo, that part of my life hasn't changed.  My goal is to post 3 times a week for now.  That's my minimum.  I really want to explore the studio space here.  Until later this weekend with photos and everything.

Also, I decided to start playing around with the look of this thing.  Don't  know how I feel about this, so things may change for my many non-followers in the coming days.

Your eternal servant,

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